Lales Petros | 2022
Official Website of Lales Petros. Contact:
lales petros, λαλές πέτρος, artworks, asfa, askt, ανωτάτη σχολή καλών τεχνών, τέχνη, ζωγραφική, ελλάδα, αθήνα, painting, drawing, σχέδια, videoart, video, installation, festival miden, πολυμέσα, multimedia, portfolio, works, art, digital art, EMST, εθνικό μουσείο σύγχρονης τέχνης, μάνθος σαντοριναίος, manthos santorinaios, moma, sakellion dimitris, δημήτρης σακελλίων, αλίκη σούμα, aliki souma, lales, usa, new york, sva, manhattan, conteporery art, sva, digital art, contemporary art, installation, painting, ai,



Eyes in Collision

Nowadays, through the technological advancements of computer-generated images, we can distort a visual reality to our liking. In colliding eyes, I am revisiting the roots of photography and its role in self-representation. The technological ability to save a reality is equivalent to human memory. Thus...